Saturday, November 21, 2009

New Moon

I know I haven't posted in a really, really, long time. So I'll try to catch you up on whats been going on in my world. Halloween was a blast, I dressed as a purple witch (I'll post picture later) Katie was a banana, and Jen was a zombie. We headed to Payson and had a bon fire, chili, hot cider and lots of candy to give out to all the great costumes. We set everything up in Jen's and Katie's moms front yard. We had so much fun we are thinking of making a tradition out of it.

I'm headed for a Disney Cruise on December 4th - 12th I really can't wait. We are headed to the Eastern Caribbean (St. Thomas and Tortula). You might be thinking who are we, well let me tell ya. Jen, Katie, Shawna (Jen and Katie Mom) Charlet and John (Jen and Katie aunt and uncle.) I will definitely post picture when I return.

If you haven't seen New Moon you are missing out. I've seen it three times and it has been out for only three days. We went to the midnight movie on Thursday, we also went to a New Moon Expo at the South Towne Expo Center. We had a blast, I got a tattoo that says Twilight it's black and very sparkly. Before you start to fr eek out if you really know me, you already know I terrified of needles and would never get a tattoo. I got an air brush tattoo it will come off in a couple days. Last night we went to the District with a bunch of friends to watch it for the second time. Then Jen and I headed back to the District this morning to watch it again. I'm sure Jen and I will go see it tomorrow, yes I know I'm a dork but why not it's fun.