Tuesday, June 22, 2010

First Mountain Trip

Today my dad and I went up to White Peak and then under the Haystack on the 4-wheeler. It was a really good ride. We didn't see any wild life, but we saw a lot of beautiful scenery.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Summer Adventures 2010

Well school is out and now I can finally catch up on some things. This is going to be a busy summer. My parents have projects for me to help out with. I've got workshops to attend, countries to visit and a week relaxing in St. George. Like I said a busy summer. This week my Dad and I finished one of our projects. Early this spring I was driving around Spring City and saw this really cool gate. The Gate was made out of an old iron Wagon Wheel and horse shoes. So I went home and told my Dad, I saw this coolest gate and I think we should build one. So we went out to the farm and found a old iron wagon wheel and old horseshoes. We started our project Monday and finally hung the gate yesterday. After a week of getting sun burnt from the welder, getting burnt from sparks and tons of laughing we finished with a smile!